Monday, 2 March 2015


Andre Masson. Automatic Drawing. 1924

Automatic Drawing

Automatism has taken on many forms: the automatic writing and drawing practiced by surrealists can be compared to similar or perhaps parallel phenomena such as the non-idiomatic improvisation.
Surrealist automatism is different from mediumistic automatism from which the term was inspired. Ghosts, spirits or the like are not purported to be the source of surrealist automatic messages.
The Surrealists embraced automatic drawing as way to incorporate randomness and the subconscious into their drawings, and to free themselves from artistic conventions and everyday thinking.
This technique, they felt was a way in to access meaning and information unavailable through tradition and the conscious mind.
Max Ernst, 'The Entire City' 1934
Max Ernst. The Entire City 1934
Frottage is a surrealist and automatic method that involves creating a piece of work by rubbing an textured surface using a pencil or other drawing material. An example of one is on the left hand side.
The technique was developed by Max Ernst in drawings made from 1925. Frottage is the French word for rubbing.

Automatic Drawing is sort of an yoga experience foe artists. It is the key to becoming centered, whole and flexible. Regular yoga practice loosens the body and relaxes the mind and sprit. Automatic drawing or free drawing does the same for artists.

My Automatic drawings;
I enjoyed doing this session as I was able to let my mind run free by just moving my pencil anywhere all around the paper. 

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is the process of writing without using the conscious mind.

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