Friday 27 February 2015

T-Shirt Designs

The t-shirt on the left hand side interests me because of the unusual colours behind the design which makes the black stand out very well on the bright colours. I also like the design on this t-shirt as it is meant to be the famous Mikey Mouse but has been made into something which is different to the eye.
I like the contrast of colours on this t-shirt, therefore i will be fitting it into my design.

From this image on the left, i am drawn to the 'M&E' within side the circle design located on the front of the black t-shirt. The white writing stands out well with the black which makes the text clearer to read from a distance to some. I am not to sure on the all black background of the t-shirt as to me it seems abit somehow too plan for my liking.
If i were to use my own brand within this up coming project, i would take into consideration about using the circle design to sit my brand in.

I like the t-shirt on the left because not only is it simple but it also stands out with the big and bold writing. The brand of this t-shirt is located at the bottom, the 'Nike' sign. The brand is small, but is recognised all over world due to its popularity with either sports wear or just fashion itself. I also like the added pink on this t-shirts to give it a focus point on the t-shirt so that not only does it look more appealing, it also makes the brand stand out to the buyers so that they know which company the t-shirt has came from.
From this image, i will use the different colour scemes to make      my brand stand out from the rest of the t-shirt.

I like the added pocket which is a bright image and the t-shirt itself is just one colour. This catches your eye and makes the t-shirt more interesting to look at rather just black design placed onto a plan white t-shirt.

This image may be very simple, but it is humorous. I think that this sort of style t-shirt would catch peoples eye even though there is no bright colours, the design itself is interesting which will make you want to look at it to find out what it is and says.

Nike is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and worldwide marketing and selling footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. Nike is one of the worlds largest suppliers of athletic shoes and apparel and a major manufacturer of sports equipment. In 2014 the brand alone was valued at $19 billion, making it the most valuable brand among sports businesses.

One of the main focuses of Adidas has always been football kit and the associated equipment. Adidas remains a major company in the supply of team kits for international association football teams and clubs, including Bayern MunichReal MadridChelseaManchester United. 

My Designs;

When designing my  logo, i first began thinking of different ideas that were catchy and if they would appeal to the public and what age range i wanted it to be aimed at. 

My first idea what 'Hashtag' as it links in with the social media and i think that this name will become popular very quickly just like the t-shirt logo 'Obey'. 

I first began sketching up a few ideas such as the ones below. My first idea was trying to put something together that represents the word 'hashtag' but which can also be stood on its own and still be recognized without the full word so i thought of mixing up the 'H' and the 'T' together but still try and make it look like a hashtag.
For my second design i used the full word 'Hashtag' but instead of keeping the 'H' at the start, i changed it into a hashtag to make it more effective but still recognizable to the public.
My third idea was to use both the word 'Hashtag' and the hashtag itself so i decided to put the hashtag in front of the word hashtag to make it look more realistic to the public as that's what you do on social media. I also added a circle around it so it stands out more so it catches peoples eye.

For my forth design, i drew out a hashtag but instead of having all the word after it, I decided to just draw out the word 'tag' and I then wrote out 'clothing' underneath in a smaller font. I like this design as you can just pick out the hashtag to use as its own design instead of having the rest of the word there all the time.

My fifth idea is to have the full word 'hashtag' but to have a hashtag infused in with the text so i created it within the 'h' and the 't'.

I began thinking about adding patterns either on the sleeves, on a pocket or just on the t-shirt itself. I picked a few designs to the right which i thought would work well on my t-shirt design.

Final Design 1

Monday 23 February 2015

Cabaret Voltaire & Hugo Ball

Cabaret Voltaire
Cabaret Voltaire was the name of a nightclub in Zurich, Switzerland. It was founded by Hugo Ball, also with his companion Emmy Hennings on February 1st, 1916 as a cabaret for artistic and political purposes. Events at the cabaret proved pivotal in the founding of the anarchic art movement known as Dada.
Switzerland was a neutral country during the World War 1 and among were artists from all over Europe. Cabaret Voltaire. Under this name a group of young artists and writers has been formed whose aim is to create a centre for artistic entertainment. The idea of the cabaret will be that guest artists will come and give musical performances and readings at the daily meetings.
Hugo Ball
Hugo Ball was born February 22nd, 1886 in Primasens, German Empire and died September 14th, 1927 in Sant'Abbondio, Switzerland due to stomach cancer. He was a German author, poet and one of the leading Dada artists.

At the beginning of the First World War he tried joining the army as a volunteer, but was denied enlistment for medical issues. After witnessing the invasion of Belgium, he was disillusioned saying: "The war is founded on a glaring mistake, men have been confused with machines".

Hugo Ball's Poem, "Karawane"

Interactive Media


Type of interactive media product: Mobile Phone

The purpose of the mobile phone is to contact people from all around the world.The phone that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station.

Target Audience: 13+

Mainly the phone is for everyone who is able to use it but to really appreciate a phone i would say 13+ is a good age for someone to appreciate one. The phone is also used to show toddles cartoon clips and the apps also help them learn but they are still not really able to use a phone at this age. Now a days you see secondary children and adults using them for communication and bussiness. Both genders are able to use any sort of phone.

Text, sound, image and navigation of the product:

You can change the font and size of the text within the settings app if you are either short or long sighted. You can adjust the volume levels either at the side of the phone by two buttons, a drag up menu or by again the settings app. The sound is decent, not to loud but not to quiet. The image on the iPhone is good quality, you can adjust the brightness of the screen image to make it appear darker or brighter to suit your needs. 


This product is very easy to use and to interact with others. Once you get to grips with where each different app is located then it is basically straight forward to you. 

Strengths and weaknesses of the product

Strengths - it is an easy to use product and has a wide range of apps that you can download and explore.

Weaknesses - When it is ineed of an upgrade, you cannot change back to the previous layout which might not suit everyone.


In our group each of us are to find information and test one type of interactive media, but must upload our findings to our blogs.

I have chose Mobile phones as I have a lot of experience therefore testing will be much easier.
Mobile phones are made in many different shapes, sizes and colours for people all around the world. The purpose of Mobile phones are to allow you to contact people from almost any where from around the world by satilites. The target audiences vary but is normally 12+ this is only because I believes that it is a good age for someone to really appreciate one as they are quite expensive depending on what make of phone you go for. Both genders are able to use any sort of phone. You can change the font and sizes by using the settings app if you are either short or long sighted or just prefer one or the other, the sound is generally decent, not too loud and not too quite as well as being able to change the brightness which would also be found in the settings app. The product itself is very easy to use and to be able to interact with others once you understand where all the apps and contacts are its pretty straight forward from there. They come in many different colours so that both genders can choose instead of there just being one main colour for everyone. Most mobile phones are generally easy to use as children or adults can use them. One of the main strengths for mobile phones are definitely the accessibility being as everything is quite clear to what it is and the apps are also good because they are useful in different situations, though in my opinion I feel that one of the main weaknesses was that when it is in need of an upgrade you can not change back to the previous one if you do not like it.

Tyler chose DVD menus as she felt they would be easy to explain.
DVD menus can be designed in different forms to suit the film, such as: horror: dark colours, spooky music, spooky designs or Romance: bright fun colours, romantic designs, happy music. The purpose of DVD menus are to allow you to select or change anything for the film, such as: scene selection will take you to a certain scene in the film or set up which allows you to add subtitles or change the language. Depending on the type of film the design can be aimed at a variety of ages. Sometimes designs can be rather sexist , such as: romance being pink though many lads may like watching it, though the colour would have to match the films atmosphere they could have added other fun colours rather than just pink. Most DVD menus are generally easy to use as children or adults can use them. One of the main strengths for DVD menus are definitely the accessibility being as any button can take you to a selection of buttons for what you would like to change about the film, though one of the main weaknesses Tyler thought was the colour combination, when it comes to genders.

Jake chose Websites as he enjoy’s watching music videos on YouTube.
Youtube is a website which is video based which allows anyone to upload and watch videos that are age appropriate, these videos can be about anything from music videos to how to apply makeup tutorials. There isn't a specific age limit, gender orientation or demographic lifestyle of people that use Youtube though there is an age limit on certain inappropriate videos children under the age of 12 are not aloud to watch. There isn't much text or speech on Youtube other than the audio that is given during the videos or occasionally it will describe what the videos are about using short biographies and titles.
Overall the strengths are rather basic and Jake feels that Youtube is pretty easy to use as well as the fact that there are so many walk through videos to help you with whatever you need. The weaknesses however are mainly based in the comment sections where you will most likely get judged by others using Youtube, they will insult you for everything that you may do wrong.

Cameron chose console games, for example Call Of Duty, as he plays them frequently on a day to day basis. Console games allow you to play vurital  games on the tv which is ran by your choice of console. This allows the player to be in control of the characters movements in the game to make it almost seem real. Most games allow you to change the image picture, the brightness, control layout and the size of text on subtitles. The purpose of console games is basically just for fun and enjoyment. Each game has a different age limit for it to be bought in shops as some contain violence and bad language which is not suitable for people under 18, however there is some game that are suitable for 5 year olds. There isn’t a specific gender as both females and males play on consoles but most of the games are mostly violent games which some females might not enjoy. The strengths are basic and Cameron feels that console games are fun and exciting and that they are easy to get the hang of although once you have played them, they get repetitive which gets boring.

Thursday 12 February 2015

This is Modern Art & Un Chien Andalou

This is Modern Art


  • In  the 1940s Dali was a star in America.
  • He was the 20th century biggest success as far as commercialism and modern art goes
  • He drove a Cadillac because he was rich.

Group Discussion:

  • He became famous because of his character and personality.
  • Dali liked his money and gold.

Un Chien Andalou

 Un Chien Andalou is a 1929 silent surrealist short film by the Spanish director Luis Bunuel and artist Salvador Dali.


  • The film was based on surrealisum.
  • I thought it was boring because it didn't have any talking and no plot line therefore I could not follow it.

Monday 9 February 2015

Giorgio de Chirico & The Uncertainty of the Poet

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico 1888-1978
Was a Italian painter, sculptor, theatrical designer and writer born at Volo in Greece, of Italian parents. He studied drawing and painting at the Athens Polytechnic 1903-6 and for eighteen months at the Munich Academy, where he discovered the work of Bocklin. He then returned  to Italy in 1908. In Paris 1911-15, he met Apollinaire, Picasso and other and painted a highly influential group of paintings evoking dream-like visions of Italy.
Giorgio de Chirico

The Uncertainty of the Poet

De Chirico’s quiet square evokes the classical arcades and statuary of antiquity (the sculpture is a torso of Aphrodite). In contrast, the passing train and perishable bananas suggest a sense of the contemporary and immediate. The distorted perspective and shadows undermine the conventions of pictorial space and time. De Chirico’s early works were enthusiastically embraced by the Surrealists, who saw in them a dream-like parallel existence. The poet Paul Eluard wrote: ‘these squares are outwardly similar to existing squares and yet we have never seen them... We are in an immense, previously inconceivable, world.’ 
The Uncertainty of the poet


Rene Magritte

Photograph of Rene Magritte

Rene Magritte was a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well known for a number of witty images that fall under the umbrella of surrealism. His work is known for challenging observers preconditioned perceptions of reality.
Rene Magritte was born in Lessines, in the province of Hainaut, Belgium, in 1898.
He began lessons in drawing in 1910. On 12 March 1912, his mother committed suicide by drowning herself in the River Sambre but this was not her first attempt at taking her own life. She had made many over a number of years, driving her husband Leopold to lock her into her bedroom. One day she escaped, and was missing for days. Her body was later discovered a mile or so down the nearby river.
The Empire of Lights, c. 1950–1954, Museum of Modern Art
Rene Magritte studied at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Brussels 1916-18, and settled in Brussels. He made his living for  a time by designing wallpaper and drawing fashion advertisements. He became very friendly with poets and writers such as Mesens, Goemans, Scutenaire and Nouge, who shared his interest in evoking mystey and were later the founders of the Belgian Surrealist group.

The Empire of Lights is a series of oil on canvas paintings by Rene Magritte painted between 1953 and 1954. They depict the paradoxical image of a nighttime street, lit only by a single street light, beneath a daytime sky. The paintings inspired a scene in the 1973 horror film The Exorcist, used on posters as well as home video releases, in which the character Father Merrin stands in front of the MacNeil family's house. 

Thursday 5 February 2015




Surrealism was a movement, which began in the 1920s by writers and artists who experimented with ways of unleashing the subconscious imagination, includes artists Salvador
Dalí and Rene Magritte.
Surrealism is aimed at expressing imaginative dreams and visions free from conscious rational control.

Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur, an irrelevant, often humorous comment to a preceding topic or statement.


Monday 2 February 2015



To reach a Merit, I will need to include my drawings of my ideas at the beginning of the project and also to finish my Evaluation.
I have learnt from this process is to keep up to date with my blog.